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Gray Road, Hill End

This project consists of an ultramodern cube that is linked to the original workers cottage by a bridge. The new cube addition has not only added a new dimension to the workers cottage, but also provides a modern reference point that defines and contextualizes the cottage...


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Gray Road, Hill End

We believe that the contrast provided by the modern additions, heightens ones awareness and experience of the workers cottage and acknowledges its traditional building character.


The contrast between old and new was reinforced in material selection, colours and finishes. The traditional ‘timber and tin’ of the workers cottage is contrasted by the steel cladding, glass and off form concrete columns. The two pop-up windows projecting from the roof create dramatic internal height and lighting effects. The careful but bold use of colour dramatise the perception of space.


The two street frontages of the site provided the opportunity for multiple facades providing an opportunity to develop and articulate a beautiful composition and interesting contribution to the streetscape. However, the credit for the success of this project must rest with our client and builder who demonstrated a stoic determination in executing this project.


Completed: 2008

Construction: GRW Group

Structural Engineer: John Batterham Engineering


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